Alec and Matthew Talks

Topics include anthropology, language and more.

The Anthropology of COVID-19

In this introductory talk, Alec and Matthew discuss the changes brought on by COVID-19, cultural dynamics, learning opportunities, healthcare dynamics, relationships people have with government and more. Alec shares stories and examples from his time in South Korea, too. Listen in to better understand how cultural values create our experiences.

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How Language Can Serve Us

Matthew shares his story on his evolving relationship with his language. He shares how our words impact who we are. Matthew and Alec tease out various concepts including our “meaning machine,” the meaning we’ve given COVID-19, personal and societal language and tools to better understand our individual language. Listen in to gain a clearer understanding of how our spelling impacts our life.

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Unpacking Personal Policies

Alec unpacks the depth of his work as an anthropologist around what personal policies are and how they serve us. Personal policies exist socially, politically, in work and school environments, in romantic relationships and more. Better understanding personal policies paves the way for understanding how COVID-19 affects them. Listen in to better understand opportunities for personal change and self-reflection.

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Power Over versus Power To Do

Alec shares an anthropological concept that helps us better understand power dynamics. He and Matthew tease this these dynamics at an individual, community and societal level. These dynamics exist in all groups of people. Listen in to better understand and learn about the language of power.

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Power Over versus Power To Do Part 2

Dive deeper with Alec and Matthew as they further unpack the nuance of Power Over versus Power To Do. They also get into other types of power such as “bio power.” Stories around camping and parenting are used to illustrate the felt dynamics of how we use our power. Listen in to better understand power dynamics and the environments you prefer so you may seek them out.

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Power Over versus Power To Do Part 3

How far can the “power dynamic” rabbit whole go? Alec and Matthew dive even deeper with power dynamics in parenting, teaching and more in micro and macro cultures. They also queue up systemic power and introduce the concept. Listen in to better learn how to use power in a way that aligns to who you are.

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Systemic Power

Zoom out with Alec and Matthew as they discuss how groups of people give away their power to “the system.” Better understand state level power, the power that exists within representatives that are voted in and how unspoken dynamics of societal shame can be a power dynamic. Listen in to get a better sense of how power exists within societies.

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The Foundations of Systemic Power

Hear the origin story of systemic power and how it came into existence. Alec and Matthew discuss examples of systemic power within the education system and family units. Listen in to gain a clearer understanding of the way power exists within groups of people.

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Systemic Power: The Extremes

What happens when too much power is exerted within a system? What about too little? Alec and Matthew unpack power within the political spectrum and how currencies create a form of power. The disconnect between people and “the system” is also discussed. Listen in to expand your awareness around the nuance involved with power that exists in all groups.

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Systemic Power: Leveling Mechanisms

Alec shares how leveling mechanisms, or reverse domination, plays a power role in different people groups. Leveling mechanisms include bullying, shaming, praise hunting and more. This relatable, but not often talked about, concept can help you see the world differently. Listen in to better understand the nuances of power within different people environments.

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Leveling Mechanisms: Shame and Guilt

Dive deeper on the nuance of leveling mechanisms and what they mean for our society. Alec and Matthew further elaborate on the leveling mechanisms shame and shame’s companion, guilt. This is discussed on both a group and individual level. Listen in to expand your awareness around the roles of shame and guilt.

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Epigenetics and Biopower

Learn more about the study of epigenetics and how our experiences can be passed down in our gene pool. Secondly, what does the ability to get contraception, slavery, imprisonment, forced labor, gender categorization, the food we consume, seatbelt laws and vaccination have in common? Biopower. Learn more about epigenetics and biopower in this insightful talk.

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Understanding Escapism

We often hear about escapism in the negative. But what if we teased it out further? What about the good of escapism? COVID-19 has changed the way we escape, too. We escape through travel, by leaving a career, or denying COVID-19, to name a few. Learn more as we start a new series how humans escape and the value it can provide.

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Extremes of Escapism

Previously we defined what escapism is for us. In this talk, we further define the nuances of escapism by sharing the extremes of it. From non-stop escape to no escape at all, how does it serve us? How can we be mindful of when escapism hurts us? Listen in to better understand the depths of how humans escape and how it can relate to your version of escapism.

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Escapism: Escaping Control

At the end of our last talk, Alec made a comment about “escaping control.” Matthew and Alec unpack this in much greater depth. What role does “control” play in how we escape? In addition to sharing various examples around the types of control we escape, Matthew and Alec talk about escaping while still remaining grounded. Listen in to see how “escaping control” can relate to how you escape.

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